Adventures, Animals and Short Stories.

Welcome to Introvert Adventures.

Primarily this space will be a blog filled with my experiences, adventures and short stories; combined with pictures, journal entries and memory.

I will write about the more ‘engaging’ times in my life which will include:

Animal Adventures.
Animal rescues, Wildlife aid and other experiences with non-humans.

Bicycle Tours
To date I have completed three tours, accumulating over 11000 kilometers across Europe.

Road Trips.
Journeys across Canada, around Scandinavia and through Europe will help fill this list.

There will be much more to come.

I will also be sharing my ‘Tips and Tricks’ for traveling.

Please keep coming back to view my progress!
Check out My Adventures in the menu bar to browse and enjoy.

If you have taken a peek at my writing and enjoyed the reading then please subscribe below.

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